Monday, August 15, 2011

Four Weeks Post Microtia Repair

August 10, 2011 - before bed time.  By week 3, Ben's ear was healing nicely.  So after our August 10 visit to Dr. Lewin, as per her advice, I gave my first crack at cleaning Ben's ear with hydrogen peroxide.  Bad idea.  Immediately, the hydrogen peroxide made some of the skin on the ear turn white, and there was a slightly "raw" spot that became an open wound by the morning.  I sent Ben to summer camp with no cup or bandages on his ear because I had thought it was OK to do so.

August 11, 2011.  I sent the photo to the right to Dr. Lewin because I was concerned about the open sore.  She called me back and said to keep the spot  moist with vaseline and to not worry about it.  That was on a Thursday or Friday.

August 15, 2011.  By Monday, the ear looked a bit better (see photos above from Dr. Lewin's office), but I was going to travel for the week, so I brought Ben into the office.  I actually thought the ear looked pretty healed up by the time of the appointment, but Dr. Lewin saw it and was quite concerned about how raw the skin looked in that one spot. 

Dr. Lewin put us on a new regiment using the special yellow tape + the Bacitracin Zinc ointment.  (They say it's basically the same thing as Neosporin.) 

August 18, 2011.  Exactly one month post surgery.  As per Dr. Lewin's advice from our previous visit (see below), we had been checking and re-applying Bacitracin Zinc ointment to his ear twice a day for the past few days, and the open sore on his ear seemed to make good progress healing.  By the time I returned from my work travel, it had improved further (left and below).

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