Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Three Weeks Post Microtia Repair

<August 10, 2011.  Ben's ear is looking less and less swollen, it's coming closer to his head, and almost all of the sutures in the front are gone.  There are some small signs of irritation (tiny bumps/cysts) in the canal; Dr. Lewin and Francesca say Ben probably had a reaction to the sutures there and that it will go away.  (You can see the tiny bumps in the second photo below.)  Dr. Lewin was really busy during this appointment with tons of patients in her office.  Another nurse (Cheryl?) washed Ben's hair and prepped him, and then he had his photo taken by Francesca.

We're told that he looks great and that we can start washing his ear on our own.  Also, we're told that with the split graft (which Ben had), they recommend putting a dollop of Clobetasol on the front (split graft) side of the ear.  In addition, Dr. Lewin recommends that I put Neosporin in the entrance of the canal where there are a few bumps/cysts.
Ben in the photo booth.  Francesca behind the lens.  This is his new ear at three weeks.  Yes, that is his new ear.

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