Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Three and a Half + Post Microtia Repair

Ben seemed to be doing well (from the perspective of not having additional blood episodes in his ear - but then he caught a slight cold (nothing terrible - but at this point - we were getting closer to his November 17 surgery date.  So Dr. Keene prescribed Amoxicillin for him so that he'd be clear by the surgery date.

I had been out of town, so I scheduled the follow up visit with Dr. Liu (and also saw Dr. Lewin) for Wednesday, November 9.  He took a lot more goop out of his ear but said that Ben was okay to have the November surgery.  Dr. Leewin was a bit distressed about how the ear now looked.  She said it looked worse than when she had seen it a couple of weeks prior.  We briefly rehashed potential treatments - including cortisone shots (but she said that probably would not work) and surgical removal with radiation...

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