Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Eight and a Half Weeks Post Microtia Repair

We visited Dr. Lewin, and she said that the ear was healing pretty well.  We removed the ear cup, and Ben resumed his regular activities - including his AYSO soccer.

By now we were also thinking about making sure that we scheduled Ben's atresia repair revision (his hearing had improved after the surgery in March, but then was back to its previous level after a while).  We wanted to schedule the surgery in 2011 if possible because we had already gone through the entire deductible as well as the maximum amount that a family pays in one year - so if we waited until next year - we'd have to pay the deductible all over again.  (See notes later on how this became a very fortuitous decision, as we later received a letter from Dr. Roberson's office that he was going to no longer be in network starting 2012, and also my own insurance policy raised its deductible and maximum amount that a family pays considerably for 2012...)

Anyway, we scheduled for Thursday, November 17.  In order to really know what we were doing during the revision, we talked by phone with Dr. Roberson.  He indicated that the hearing loss could be due to two things: (1) a "lateralized" ear drum and/or (2) conductive hearing loss due to the connection between the three tiny bones or ossicles (Malleus, Incus and Stapes) in his middle ear not having the connection they need in order to conduct sound.  According to the surgical notes from March surgery, there was a "fibrous" connection between the Incus and Stapes - so that, at a minimum was a problem.  In order to know whether the ear drum were also a problem, he'd have to see Ben.

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