Monday, April 18, 2011

Trimming of the Plug - April 6, 2011

April 6, 2011.  A week after the surgery, we were thrilled to make it through the first gauntlet - keeping the plug in his ear canal.  I honestly don't know how we did it.  We told him no running around and jumping.  We returned to CEI to see Dr. Roberson so he could trim the plug and infuse it with more antibiotics.  Ben was sensitve around his ear and was not happy about having a stranger touch his ear.

It was also at this time that we did the second of three audiological tests at the CEI.  The results indicated that Ben's hearing was pretty much unchanged from prior to the surgery.  The results didn't make any sense, because we were certain that he could hear us from his new right ear.  Whereas before the surgery he could not hear at all from that side, after the surgery we could whisper on that side and have a conversation with Ben...

We were to continue putting Tobramycin drops in his ear canal twice a day.  His healing was going really well - no signs of infections or stenosis.

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