Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Two and a Half Months Post Microtia Surgery

The drive from LA to Palo Alto has gotten to be second nature for me.  Ben and I leave at around 6:00 AM, we wave goodbye to the other kids, we put Star Wars on the truck's DVD player, and I hear him cute sounds (sometimes giggles, sometimes gasps while he's hiding under his blanket) coming from the back seat.  We stop at around 8:30 AM for McDonald's pancakes, sausage, eggs, yogurt, hash browns (him) and coffee (me).  And he takes a nap for an hour and a half.

We schedule our appointments with Dr. Roberson for around 3:30 PM, so we have a couple of hours of rest between when we arrive in Palo Alto (around noon) and when we need to go to our appointment.

At the appointment, Dr. Roberson looked at his ear drum and said it looked really good.  (Dr. Putnam had also said it looked great.)

He explained that he won't go through the actual ear drum for the surgery but along the side of the ear canal.  He also repeated the prognosis - pretty good.  He wouldn't know until he goes in there exactly what he would do - probably putting a titanium prosthetic onto the Stapes so that it touches the Incus.

After the doctor visit, we went to Create It Ceramics and Glass Studio at the Town and Country Mall in Palo Alto and made a shiny black spider with white dots and beady red eyes.  That place is like Color Me Mine but even better!  Lots of fun!

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